The Oscar-winning 2006 film “Happy Feet” introduced the world to the adorable Emperor penguins, captivating audiences by highlighting on screen the unique traits and quirky behaviors of the largest of all penguin species. However, as early as 2004, the existence of the Emperor penguin colony at Snow Hill was confirmed, and a polar operator successfully reached the colony for a groundbreaking ground visit.
Since that history-making milestone, more guests have been brought to the rarely seen colony of 8,000 Emperor penguins and their chicks than by any other operator. In November 2023, two successful landings at Snow Hill were achieved, continuing this legacy of polar exploration.
The achievements stem from decades of exclusive exploration in the Polar Regions since 1991, when the first group of consumer travelers reached the North Pole. Innovation has played a key role, supported by an experienced expedition team known for creating one-of-a-kind itineraries and navigating remote destinations with a diverse fleet of small polar vessels capable of accessing areas unreachable by larger cruise ships.
Guests who book the newly launched Snow Hill to the Peninsula: Emperor Penguins and the 7th Continent expedition will embark on an 18-day journey aboard the cutting-edge Ultramarine, departing from October 31 to November 16, 2025. This advanced vessel, featuring two helicopters and 20 quick-deploy Zodiacs, is designed to provide unparalleled off-ship adventures. The itinerary offers travelers the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit the legendary Emperor penguin colony at Snow Hill while enjoying the iconic landscapes of the Western Antarctic Peninsula, including glaciers, icebergs, snow-capped mountains, and encounters with whales and seals.
This unique expedition also ventures to the rarely visited east coast of the Peninsula, a destination few operators include, showcasing over 30 years of polar exploration expertise. Guests will enjoy exclusive amenities such as heli-flightseeing, Zodiac cruising, hiking excursions, daily presentations by polar experts, complimentary bar service and Wi-Fi, and a specialized parka to enhance their journey through this remote and breathtaking region.